Wednesday, November 12, 2008

~*~Things I Didn't Know Until I Became a Mom~*~

The sound of a baby's cry can be the most musical sound.

Love at first sight really does exist.

A baby's cry can bring a grown woman to tears.

It is quite possible to lose hours of your day because you find yourself staring at your sleeping baby,

Singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" for the 100th time still brings a smile to your face. (Mine and yours)

In one instant, suddenly the world is not a safe enough place.

You can hold someone in your arms all day, yet somehow still miss them.

It's possible to fill up an entire memory card with pictures of nap time.

"Love" is a word you use because you can't cry and kiss your baby every time you feel it.

The most important job is a Mom.

A baby can give more love than most grown adults ever will.

Sleep is a luxury, not a necessity.

Seeing him smile just once erases that I have not had time to shower for 2 days.

Words I will never say again....."I can't" and “I won’t.

No matter how late I am running, there is always time for one more kiss.

1 comment:

evervescence said...

All children should be so lucky, and blessed to have such a mother. :D