Saturday, November 29, 2008

~*~Falling Stars~*~

Last night the stars fell from the sky
In a showering array of light.
Light so beautiful and piercing it made the sound
Of shattering glass as it hit the Earth.
Outside lingering in this shower of glass
Cut and broken, bleeding and sacrificed.

Looking down I see the reflection of the heavens
Carved into the broken stars.
Unable to heal, unable to recreate, unable.
Although I am bleeding, I reach down to pick up the delicate star...
Only to have it cut me once more.
I drop it to the ground and watch the shattered piece...
In wonderment...In amazement....
How is something so divine refusing to be helped?

Confused, as I watch passerby's come and go,
Reaching for the stars, looking on in awe at their beauty
Only to walk away bleeding.
Will they ever be helped?
Has their fall damaged them so much they will never
Shine in their glory again?
They are broken, yes...but they are still stars.
They still hold the beauty of the skies above.
In my eyes they are more beautiful,
For written on their wounds are their story
Of travel, of time, of choices and regret.
I would love the stars. If only they would let me...
If only I get close enough for one touch.

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